July 2, 2021 Weekly Musings
Posted on July 01 2021

Posted June 28, 2021
Blue Bouquet was accepted into the 48th Annual Rocky Mountain National Watermedia exhibition, 2021.
Juror, Steve Griggs, was scrupulous in making his decisions, selecting only 65 pieces out of 485 submissions. The show will take place in person and hang in the Center for the Arts Evergreen gallery as it has for the last several years. In addition to the in-person show, we will be creating an online exhibition providing you an opportunity to “walk through” the exhibit virtually.
Greatness of the Forest
Posted June 28, 2021
Featured image: Pine Tree and Chickadee
When our minds don’t hear the
For the greatness of the
We lose something.
Christine's Wish
Posted June 29, 2021

Featured image: The Creative
There are not many people who understand the artist and the work that they do. I have been an artist for as long as I can remember. If I am pressured for a time frame, I tell them, "Kindergarten is the first memory I have of totally enjoying the flow of paint and color." What has been the driver of this love for creating? I paint for myself. It is my way of using my mind. I also paint for viewers' understanding so they know the reason why I create. They can only know that because they too use their mind to view the work. They view it for themselves. I paint, and when a viewer appreciates my work, I can feel that their appreciation comes from this understanding. That is the understanding that comes from the conscious judgement of the mind. Their mind, like mine, is able to judge my work by the same standards and values that went into me creating the work. They judge by the values, originality, one-of-a-kindness, freedom and independence.
It isn’t about the fact that they felt the work, but the fact that they feel what I felt when I created the work. It is not about the fact that they admire my work, but that they admire it and value it for the same reasons that I created it. There is only one passion for me, a passion I have regarding those who admire my work. The passion that I have more than anything else is that they share what I am trying to say from my heart, my soul and that they can feel that in their hearts, their souls.
In a sense, I am a trader. I trade my passion for theirs and my soul, myself for the experiences of their souls, their selves. It is my wish that viewers and lovers of art experience my work from their soul –and that with that the experience they value the same things that I treasure and value: freedom, creativity, independence, one-of-a-kindness, playfulness, the ability to think and the fullness of life. It is my wish that viewers of my work experience themselves like I experience myself when I create the work.
When I Retire
Posted June 30, 2021

Featured image: Little House on the Hillside
I will retire or quit being an artist when others control so much of what art is and can be. For now, I will continue to speak for the arts as something unique and individualized, and I will continue to use art as an example of how artists think about the work they do. That would be a wonderful way for our culture and society to think about what they do.
I am quite sure when some look at certain pieces that are calling themselves 'art,' they are thinking, "Where is the skill in that? Where is the passion in that? Where is the art in that?" And yes, I have even heard them say, “My 6 year old could do that.” They don’t realize it but actually, that's a compliment. Because as an adult we forget about the 100% authentic-ness of a 6-year-old. A 6-year-old is not indoctrinated into the system yet. Their authentic-ness and innocence is something we lose as we grow older.
They have no idea of the skill and passion put into an actual work of art. They have no idea of what it takes to be an artist. Most people don’t know of the years and years of passionate, merciless, excruciating devotion that goes into a work of art. So when I say, "I quit," will be when others control too much of the freedom of what art is – and actually tell me what I should do and how I should do it. When others control the conditions of my work, the choices I make for my work, and the amount of reward I receive for me work, when others enslave art to some social construct, some ideology that limits my freedom, that is when I will quit. When others say I am being selfish to insist on my independent space, and the choices I make, then for me art will no longer be art. When others say I am being selfish because I should not have the right, desire or choice to choose, but only to serve their needs, I will quit.
I have wondered and written about these 'others' who think their ideology is above mine, at their smugness, where they insist on the right to enslave me, to control my work, to force my will, to violate my conscience and to stifle my mind. What is it about them that determines my ability to think?
Our culture is beginning to discover, well at least I hope they are, what kind of art and artist they will get. People are beginning to see what kind of creativity of thought and adventure that they have when their control over creativity is complete and everything matches in the living room. Hopefully, they are beginning to discover that the monochromatic rooms and lives that would be produced and created. The whole thing reminds me of a popular song some years ago, which by the way I mockingly sang loudly along with every time it came on the radio.
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.And the people in the houses
All went to the university,
Where they were put in boxes
And they came out all the same,
And there's doctors and lawyers,
And business executives,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.And they all play on the golf course
And drink their martinis dry,
And they all have pretty children
And the children go to school,
And the children go to summer camp
And then to the university,
Where they are put in boxes
And they come out all the same.And the boys go into business
And marry and raise a family
In boxes made of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same.
Malvina Reynolds songbook(s) in which the music to this song appears:
---- Little Boxes and Other Handmade Songs
---- The Malvina Reynolds Songbook
---- There's Music in the Air: Songs for the Middle-Young
Sunflower Study
Posted July 1, 2021

Featured image: Sunflower Study
As most of you know I love discovery and experimentation. Moving away from the comfortable same old same old. So in this work I am exploring form, line, thinner paper and how the paint reacts to that paper. It really makes a difference when you paint on cold press versus hot press or rough paper. It's like learning to paint all over.
I do love the different compositions here - so that was exploratory also. But, the lines and mark making seem to change on this paper. They seem to be changing in just about all the things that I paint. Some folks say that I am prolific. I'm just painting every day and have several paintings going at one time which gives the exploring and discovery a deeper field to play in. So I'm just learning and always painting daily in some way or another. Does that make me prolific? I guess so. I just love what I do. And I know it never needs to be perfect - it just needs to be me.
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