Blog: Judgement

Christine Alfery

Posted on July 19 2021

Blog: Judgement

Featured image: Yellow Iris

When you judge, do you think you are always right?

Of course not! So isn’t it easier not to judge another and just be neutral? Let others be?

I think of my history and how I've learned not to judge others: Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7 :: NIV.

I believe the history of that quote has shifted from the "plank in your own eye" to how you are governed and controlled by not judging and being neutral all the time. I believe this neutrality is all about the grey middle that I've been talking about lately, and the series I have been working on, “The middle is not grey.”

When you judge, you place your value on the object that you’re a judging. It could be it another person or a diamond ring. So, the question about judging should be instead, what are your values? What are the values of the objects you are judging? And how do these values govern or have power over the other?

So what is the truth about judging? Truth is reality and the values linked to the concept of reality are filled with reason. An objective reason that all can agree about. Truth and reason are the pathway to how we know things. In turn, they are the pathway to how we value them and judge them.

So how is art judged? How is it valued? What is its truth? Its reality? If art is not judged, does it not have some value, some truth, some reality? is it anything? No, it can’t.

Art needs to be identified with reasonable truths so that others too can label it and judge it. What should the values, of art be?

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