January 28, 2022 Weekly Musings
Posted on January 28 2022

"Marble Game" Accepted Into Exhibition
Peace Plant Will Be In Kenosha
"Peace Plant" will be another of my works that you can view at my upcoming solo exhibition. Listen to the story behind this work.
"The Middle Is Not Grey-Rocking The Boat" Exhibition
Anderson Arts Center, 6603 3rd Ave, Kenosha WI
Feb 6
She Didn't Know Will Be In Kenosha
"She Didn't Know" will be another of my works that you can view at my upcoming solo exhibition. Listen to the story behind this work. https://youtu.be/P7jpQwt0_1w
"The Middle Is Not Grey-Rocking The Boat" Exhibition
Anderson Arts Center, 6603 3rd Ave, Kenosha WI
Feb 6
Blogs and Aesthetic Moments:
With The Wind
Featured image: Wind's Caresses
When you sit along in silence in the woods you feel an overwhelming sense of engagement with all things and it is wonderful. You gain a sense of aliveness and have a glimpse of the beauty and interconnectedness of all things. You are aware completely aware of what you are, who you are, and how you fit into the big picture. Not very big, but that feeling of being alive, and awake and aware is so glorious. Sitting silent and content.
Featured image: The Creative
Nature, the trees, the woods, the lakes, the stars, the moon, the sun at times move in silence. We need silence in order to touch our souls, our spirits, our selves. Every morning I sit in silence and replenish my soul.
I Just Know
Featured image: Happy Days
I Just Know
Silence and self-containment build passion within me.
It has been too long.
In a quiet studio, staring at a blank sheet of paper,
I know what I want to paint
it has been some time since I dipped my brush into color.
I am excited, but want to be still,
I just know,
the passion moves me
I add paint to the paper and begin.
Passing It On
Featured image: Her Cape Caught In The Wind
My art is just art, nothing special about what I do, except I do it with great love and that makes it special to me. Everything you do - do with love and then pass it on.
New Works:
Happy Birthday 2022, 15x15