Gleefully Wonder

Christine Alfery

Posted on July 24 2021

Gleefully Wonder

 Featured image: Fresh Strawberries

What do you see when you look at an abstract or semi-abstract work of art? Nothing or something? Do you find abstract work confusing like a pile of jigsaw puzzle pieces unsorted and walk away? Or do you look at an abstract work, like you look at that pile of jigsaw puzzle pieces and begin to sort the pieces out and try and figure it out?

An abstract artist takes the pile of jigsaw pieces and begins to sort them out. An abstract artist, painter, takes the many colors that they have placed on some media and knows there is something there, like they know there is something there in the jigsaw puzzle, and begins to solve the puzzle of the painting. The abstract artist perceives and sorts and creates something fresh, different and new by remixing the same colors that they've used in another work, but this time a fresh idea emerges from them.

This idea, this fresh concept is then identified. That is what happens to me every time I begin to paint. Every time – I have butterflies in my stomach – and I gleefully wonder what will emerge and what will its identification be.

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