Blog: Exaggeration and Exuberance
Posted on November 06 2021

Featured image: Inukshuk - Kasba Lake
The journeys through lakes, rivers, canyons, meadows and mountains are very reflective for me. As are my journeys with my art paints, crayons, colored pencils, pencils and various papers.
In my reflections, I imagine a wildness that could be found beyond the stars, or beyond infinite horizons. It is hard to define from these journeys the beauty and wonder that has given meaning to my life.
As an artist with these wonderfully beautiful memories and journeys – I exaggerate with exuberance and excitement about something I have stored from my journeys and want to share. But is it exaggeration when I talk about and paint the song of the finch, the sunrise or sunsets? Is it exaggeration to share the wind and the songs within the woods? Is it exaggeration when I share about the streams, lakes and rivers when I speak and when I paint? Or is it just who I am and how I share?
For me, the exaggerating with exuberance are the "yes, yes, yeses" that I am very connected to somehow.