Dancing Moving – Wind Up Toy Series

Christine Alfery

Posted on May 31 2022

Dancing Moving – Wind Up Toy Series

Featured image: Painted Bird Wind Up Toy

Don’t dance like a puppet or move like a wind-up toy.
Throw away that wind up key.
Cut the puppets strings.
Dance in the rain. Move with the wind.
Find your unique key.
Imagine and create authentically.
You are like no other.

I have collected wind up toys for some time now. They fascinate me. I’m also fascinated by the wonderful contrast between the way that I played with a wind up toy as a young girl and the young kids that have no aesthetic experiences such as a wind up toy or a pull toy. Instead, they sit still and only move their fingers on a computer. I love thinking about the history of those older wind up toys that I collect and the newer ones. The newer ones are a novelty that many put on their work desk but I take my collection and let kids play with them while their parents are visiting the studio. They have races with them and just laugh and giggle. I love those sounds.







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