Blog: Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes aka Change – Part 3 of 3
Posted on April 02 2020

My recent blog series has explored the power of change. The only thing constant in this world is change. Change is hard. However you say it, change is everywhere in the world today – and change drives the world of art.
I don’t know what it is about human nature, but it is always easier to stay with the same, the agreed-upon, the popular, the comfortable, the familiar. When I’m struggling during the creation of a work of art is always tempting to stay with what has worked in the past. If something was well received, why would I not want to do it again?
it is always easier to stay with the same, the agreed-upon, the popular, the comfortable, the familiar
When I create I am always seeking change. It is my mission to create artwork that is free, unique, individual, and true to me. When I struggle it is often the past that hampers my free flow of creativity. I am always seeking change – sometimes I don’t succeed, but I try to move on and grow from each experience.
Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. But sometimes when it works, the resulting piece is something that hits people in the heart and does what art is meant to do – connects on that fundamental undefinable part of the human existence that has resulted in the creation of art since man first used pigment to leave a handprint on a cave wall. Those works speak to that part of us that needs art, creates art, and thinks a blank wall on an otherwise decorated room just looks wrong. When it works, that is when an artist creates a work that people stop and stare at, revisit again and again, fall in love with, and can’t live without.
When it works, that is when an artist creates a work that people stop and stare at, revisit again and again, fall in love with, and can’t live without.
I celebrate that we live in a country where I have the freedom to try, to create, to explore, to celebrate, to change. My artwork, my vision, my thoughts, they are records of my time here. I could never stop painting, never stop creating, never stop changing.
I embrace change – I go with the flow.
I seek change – I celebrate and build upon the past.
I struggle with change – but I will never stop.