Blog: Fairy Condo in the Garden
Posted on June 22 2021

My dear friend and artist, Jillayne Waite, creates some of the most playful sculptures I have seen in a long time. They are whimsical, and happy, and they just make me smile. Recently, she created what I am now calling a "Fairy Condo," a condominium for fairies. When I was a little girl I used to go into the woods with my mom and she taught me how to create fairy houses out of moss, dried leaves, stones and sticks.
Jillayne's sculpture reminded me so much of the times that I spent with my mom building fairy houses and later building fairly villages as I would play in the backyard with the hose and mud that I bought the piece from Jillayne and put it in my backyard.
What a delight it was the other day when I saw a chipmunk playing around on the multiple roof tops checking everything out. What a delight!