April 28, 2023 Weekly Musings
Posted on April 28 2023

Featured image: Scattering Seeds
I believe in history. I believe that we all have a unique one-of-a-kind history that influences who we are and what we do. So when you are reading a history about something, ask yourself, "Does this historian ask how questions or why questions and write accordingly or does this historian ask why questions, causing them to come up with predetermined answers that follow a linear thought process?" Ask yourself, "Why are historical museums organized in a linear pattern rather that in a pattern that more resembles a rhizome?" There is the root and then branches of possibilities.
Let It Be
Featured image: Travelers
Emily Dickinson
Featured image: Springtime Robin
Every once in awhile, wonderful things just seem to come out of the blue. They always lead me on a very special magical journey. Fresh, exciting ideas don’t pop into my head very often, but when they do I am ever so grateful. My blog, “Oh It’s Just,” has led me on a wonderful journey of exploring birds. I have been painting birds for quite some time now and the ideas keep flowing. I wonder if they will all become something other than a sketch.
But my heart is filled with hope – and I continue……….
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all.” Emily Dickinson.
Simple Delights
Featured image: Little Bird
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