Blog: To See
Posted on August 09 2019

Featured image: Flowers From My Garden - Purple
To see something. Purple, pink, lupus – against rusty orange, gamboge yellow lilies and fuchsia, red, coral inpatients. Summer garden glowing.
Planting flowers in a garden is like planting colors in a painting. The colors delight our eyes, trigger our sight to something rare, exquisite and beautiful. Our eyes do see ugly distressful things also, but I for, being the romantic that I am choose to not dwell on the ugly and return over and over again to beauty.
So what makes my eyes turn away? Is it the color of another’s skin, the shape of ones body, the shape of ones nose, the slant of ones eyes. No, no, no. But perhaps the soil in a babies diaper. Yes, yes, yes. But even that isn’t that ugly.
It’s not hard for me to see the beautiful in just about everything, but hate, lies, those who want to take away my freedom, seem to me very ugly.
Aren’t purple tupis lovely. Isn’t the garden beautiful. Isn’t it good?