A Particular Kind Of Freedom

Christine Alfery

Posted on August 15 2022

A Particular Kind Of Freedom

 Featured image: Improv III

The feelings linked to freedom, the feelings you get when you hit the open road, the feelings you get when your spirit emerges, the feelings you get when you imagine flighting, or listening to a song that also releases you and the feeling you get when you just create are all experiences and perceptions that make you believe and feel that there are infinite possibilities of things that can be, including yourself. 

Play, artistic play and spontaneity are not related to the more contemporary concept of freedom today. Contemporary freedom that is rational, deliberated and an intentional concept is anything but spontaneous. Spontaneous freedom is when we experience visions, ideas coming from ourselves, our souls, our spirits, and are not settled by something that preexists, like identity. Spontaneous freedom is almost transcendent, and it is glorious.

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