Christine Alfery

Flowers From My Garden - Yellow

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Flowers From My Garden - Yellow, 12 x 12
Giclee print on paper 
Original water media on paper

Also known as: Flowers From My Garden II


  • "Flowers From My Garden" received the Creative Spirit Award.  Illinois Watercolor Society National Show. National Juried Exhibition. CLICK to view award video.
    • EVELYN ECALE SCHULTZ CREATIVE SPIRIT AWARD Evelyn Ecale Schultz was a distinguished signature member of the Illinois Watercolor Society that left us too soon, in 2006.  A longtime advocate for the arts in the western suburbs, she was president of the Elmhurst Artist Guild for six years and a driving force behind the construction of the Elmhurst Art Museum. Evelyn began painting in 1992 and pursued her work with great passion and creativity. She loved to experiment and her works not only surprised and delighted the viewer, they regularly won prizes and awards. Recognition came quickly and she achieved signature status in 12 national societies. In her artist's statement she wrote that her art was "more about what I feel than what I see. I usually create paintings that are more abstract and non-objective than realistic, although I work in a variety of genres." All of her life experiences influenced her work and she was always looking for unusual and creative ways to express herself. She was also an artist that took great interest in her fellow artists, genuinely intrigued by their work and uniquely supportive and encouraging of all she encountered. The Evelyn Ecale Schultz Creative Spirit Award was established in her memory to recognize a work from the Illinois Watercolor Society Annual Show that best embodies the creative, expressive spirit of Evelyn and her work.  And it is hoped that the award will offer the same encouragement to its' recipient that Evelyn so easily shared with all of us. This award is made possible through the John E. and Jeanne T. Hughes Charitable Foundation.
  • "Flowers In My Garden"  Was accepted into the National Illinois Watercolor Online Exhibition. 2020
  • Members Online Exhibition. National Juried. Philadelphia Watercolor Society. “Flowers from my Garden II” and "Old Growth VI"